Admission Officer招生專員Overview of Responsibilities工作內容:全面了解IB課程體系、學生活動,并與教學管理人員保持溝通;Overall knowledge of IB system, school activity, as well as the contact with the teaching staff根據目標市場和目標人群,制定市場宣傳推廣策略,協調和實施市場活動,如與培訓機構、合作學校協調落實市場活動,與之維護良好關系等;Propose marketing strategy and conduct the maketing acticitises based on the target group and target market, such as the coordinating work with the training organization and other related school. 研究分析IB學校的市場現狀、市場動態、行業變化以及競爭對手分析,收集市場各方反饋意見并提出調整方案Study the market dynamic, and analyze the competitors by collecting the feedback to put forward the adjusting proposal accordingly負責制定咨詢量創造的計劃及方案,為學校提供持續穩定的高質量咨詢量;Responsible for drafting the plan or proposal by the inquiries根據需要,代表學校參加各種外聯活動(包括晚上和周末);On behalf of school to attend the activities if needed協助領導制定并落實市場招生計劃;完成招生工作Assitst the diect report to propose and finalize the admission task ,such as visting the campus, enrollment .根據以上工作內容制定每月工作計劃,并于月底前向領導匯報工作進度;Work out the monthly work plan and report the schedule to the leader at the end of the month.辦理上級領導交代的其他各項事宜。Other task assigned by the leader.Skills/Experience Required:職位要求:Bachelor’s Degree 大學本科以上學歷,專業不限。Fluent in English and Mandarin (written and spoken) 中英文流利Minimum 2 year’s working experience (office administration) in an international school/company environment至少兩年國際學?;蛲馄蠊ぷ鹘涷濻trong computer skills – including proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint 熟練使用office 軟件Ability to build relationships with other team member較強的團隊意識及溝通能力
蘇州國際外語學校(簡稱“蘇國外”)創辦于1995年, 是蘇州市第一所全日制、寄宿制民辦學校,隸屬于蘇州良士集團(簡稱“集團”)。 蘇國外坐落在美麗的蘇州陽澄湖畔,學校始終堅持以“育一流人才、辦一流學校、做一流貢獻”為使命,以“卓爾不群、光而不耀”為校訓,實施全面素質教育,尊重學生個性,重視學生興趣特長培訓;重視英語和科技創新教育;重視學生創造力、領導力培養,致力于將學生培養成為既有本土情懷,又有國際視野的未來人才。